Tips for passing Technomancer - Basics of the Game: Technomancer Abilities
Electric storm is the strongest attack of a technomancer. He hits many opponents at the same time with great force.

The abilities of the technomancer correspond to all character classes, but you will not be able to complete the game using only them. During the game, note that creatures and enemies have increased resistance to the magic of the technomancer (for example, soldiers with white petals on their clothes or electric mantises). Abilities can give statuses and help in increasing the attack power. They can also destroy chaos with direct lightning.

Electric arcs are a basic ability that you will use frequently at the beginning of the game. You have to improve this very early with an extra arc (increased attack against a single opponent) or with a rebound. The latter is much better, especially if you increase the chance of paralyzing an enemy by hitting him with lightning.

Electric weapons are another ability that you will get at the beginning of the game. While it is active, it absorbs one Force field, thereby reducing the number of other possible Force attacks. Electric weapons can increase the chance of dealing critical damage or interrupting an opponent's attack. It can also temporarily paralyze the opponent. Choose a status that matches your character class to the beast by improving its basic parameters. The development of deposits in this industry allows you to quickly unlock a new force field .

Magnetic Armor - You have to get this ability quickly. This allows you to create a force field around you that increases all your resistances. This can be further improved with stronger defense options, faster health regeneration, and repelling enemies that attack you. When the shield is activated, one Force Field is used, and it remains active until it loses all resistance during the battle. Once this happens, you should activate it again.

Overload is another ability that gives temporary status to your main character. This enhances his electrical attacks. Especially useful if you frequently use and have highly developed lightning attacks (especially electric storm ) and if you use the passive ability of electric weapons.

Electric fist is not a very useful active ability that generates a blow with a long break and a chance to paralyze. Deals minimal damage. It can be useful at the beginning of the game when your character has a low chance of interrupting an attack. Required to unlock the great Lightning ability .

Lightning is the strongest electric attack that hits enemies in a large area in front of the main character. It lasts a few seconds. You can increase its strength by 25% or reduce its regeneration time by 10 seconds. After purchasing this upgrade , you can also unlock a new Force Field . Bet Andreas provides slot machines for virtual coins and gives everyone a bonus of up to $300. Slot machines and casinos have more than 500 types of gambling games. BetAndreas Promotions - available bonus offers for regular and new players.
